Tag Archives: high-performance computing

Telemac auf Origin2000 — Erste Erfahrungen

Rebekka Kopmann and Jacek A. Jankowski

Telemac auf Origin2000 — Erste Erfahrungen. Supercomputing News 1/2000 (BAW Hamburg).

The article describes the hands-on experiences by changing the principal supercomputer architecture from the vector to the parallel one, connected with the purchase of a shared-memory parallel SGI Origin 2000 machine by BAW for its Karlsruhe site. Continue reading

Telemac 5.0 — Eine konservative Revolution

Jacek A. Jankowski and Jean-Michel Hervouet

Telemac 5.0 — Eine konservative Revolution. Supercomputing News 4/1999, BAW Hamburg.

The article describes the re-implementation of the Telemac system software from Fortran-77 to Fortran-90 and changes in the code due to the much larger possibilities of the newer programming language.